
Tuesday, 7 February 2012

A Very Personal Journey

One of the great parts of working at any secondary school is when students graduate and move on to whatever is next for them in life. At LEC, it is especially rewarding and meaningful for a number of our students who sometimes weren't sure if they would graduate. 

Grad ceremonies are a few months away still, but students are meeting graduation requirements even now. In talking with one of our students about her upcoming graduation this June, one thing she said in particular caught my attention: "It is a very personal journey". Graduating is a big deal to all our students and her poem and project (pictured) is a great reminder of her achievement and journey, along with all our upcoming grads. Enjoy...


My days of missed classes from time long ago
Proved travel through high-school a trip made too slow
The challenges many for the reason unique
My head filled with sadness; a milestone not complete

The house has no halls full of friends on the move
My room far too quiet has me down feeling blue
Lessons in envelopes delivered by mail
Correspondence style learning, I so want to bail

Jobs come and they go the layoffs there too
A cycle worth breaking the first move to do
No more excuses from thoughts full of fear
The vision to upgrade now seen to be clear

Entrance requirements cannot be met
A foregone conclusion from missing this step
Solution alone is mine all to have
This marked rite of passage referred to as grad

Enrollment anxiety could be related
To the homework and tests that once were so hated
The moment is now; I’ve got much to offer
My mind on a goal it’s my choice to prosper

The load of assignments at last now complete
This government curriculum has finally been beat
Time for tradition of cap and gown dress
Hearing your name called is simply the best

In a crowd full of people there’s some I know dear
Full of smiling faces and more than a few tears
They’ll capture the handshake give my diploma award
Taking a moment before I move forward

The special celebration, it’s gathering near
To honour the student’s journey whose end is now here



1 comment:

  1. Nina,
    you always did have a 'way with words' - just like you wrote about my dad. Simply awesome!
    Linda xxoo
    p.s. you go girl!!


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