
Thursday, 5 January 2012

Welcome to 2012 and Registration Day!

The line starts here...
How do you know if someone is really committed to something? Well, one way to know is if people are willing to line up early in order to get what they want. And in this case we are not talking about Boxing Day or Black Friday specials. We are talking about the first day of registration for a new semester and as usual there was a line-up of dedicated students wanting to make sure they got the courses they want and need to help them connect to their future and where they want to go next with their jobs and education.
For those of you who were here on the first day and braved the lines and for those of you who have come in since or are still planning on coming in, thanks for your patience and for letting us help you get to where you want to go. Whether you are taking a semestered class or one of our self-paced directed learning course, the teachers and staff of LEC look forward to helping you reach your goals in 2012.

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